Otoplasty : Ear correction surgery
for 1 750 € All Inclusive
If you are bothered by how far your ears stick out from your head, opt for an otoplasty!
Otoplasty –also known as cosmetic ear surgery– refers to the aesthetic reshaping of ears to correct a deformity and/or improve appearance. Be it a short surgical procedure, otoplasty permits permanent remodelling of ears to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result. The primary goal of otoplasty is to improve the appearance of the external ear. This is achieved by moving prominent ears closer to the head and reducing the size of large ears. Ears that have a large amount of protrusion can be rotated into a more desirable position. Otoplasty can also improve congenital abnormalities or damage to the external ear. Otoplasty can be performed as early as age 5 or 6, when ears are almost fully grown. Ear surgery on adults is also possible, and there are generally no additional risks associated with otoplasty on older patients.
What are the indications for Otoplasty?
Many patients who use this procedure are indeed children because they are the most exposed to remarks from their peers, which can lead to. Protruding ears are usually the result of genetic factors. Otoplasty can be performed at any age after the ears have reached their full size — usually after the age of seven — through adulthood. However, younger patients resort more to the procedure given that they are exposed to harsh comments at school, which culminate in insecurities of appearance.
Otoplasty addresses three distinct types of cartilage defects in the ear. The first is the antithetical plication defect, primarily found in the upper part of the ear, resulting in a smoother appearance of the upper pinna. The second is Shell’s Cartilage defect, where the cartilage may be excessively large (hypertrophy), leading to a disproportionate size relationship between the ear and the head. Lastly, the failure of the angle between the pinna and the skull creates a protruding aspect to the ears.
How should one prepare before undergoing otoplasty?
During the preliminary consultation, the surgeon will review the patient’s medical history and do a physical exam in order to determine the causes of protruding ears, and decide what deformities to correct.A medical check-up and a blood test are required prior to surgery. The surgeon will discuss the patient’s motivations and expectations.
Prior to surgery, several instructions must be adhered to for optimal preparation. Firstly, it is imperative to refrain from consuming any medications containing aspirin for a minimum of 10 days leading up to the surgery. Additionally, it is advised to abstain from smoking in the days preceding the procedure to mitigate potential complications. Furthermore, ensuring personal hygiene is essential, including washing both hair and ears thoroughly the day before the scheduled surgery. These measures are crucial for promoting a safe and successful surgical outcome.

How is otoplasty procedure conducted?
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, but local anaesthesia is at times considered depending on the patient’s age and general health status. The surgeon makes an incision behind the ear. The procedure lasts approximately one hour to one hour and a half. There is a thin scar, but it is localized behind the ear. The scar will fade over time until it becomes, in most cases, barely noticeable. After making incisions, the surgeon will remove excess cartilage and skin. He/she will then fold the cartilage into the proper position and secure it with internal stitches.
How should one proceed after undergoing Otoplasty?
Two days after otoplasty, bandages will be removed and the ears will be maintained with a headband. It is recommended that the patient wear the headband day and night for a period of two weeks or so.The procedure is painless; however, ears will likely be swollen and red. Following the procedure, while it is generally painless, it's common for the ears to appear swollen and red. To aid in recovery, it is advisable to shield your ears from direct sunlight, wind, and cold temperatures, especially during winter to prevent frostbites. Refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities for a few weeks post-surgery. sunbathing for 6 weeks at least should be avoided , though showering is permissible from the day after the procedure. Avoid wearing eyeglasses for a specified period as their arms may hinder the healing process. Numbness may persist for several weeks after surgery, accompanied by mild bruising. Expect the ears to feel stiff for several months and experience soreness, particularly at night, which could last for a few months.
What are the risks and side effects of surgery?
Occasionally, a blood clot can form in the ear. This will cause a swelling of the ear, which if the clot is not removed can result in a cauliflower ear. A simple needle aspiration of the clot can prevent long-term problems. By being extra vigilant during the surgery, the incidence of a blood clot can be kept to a minimum. A further side effect of otoplasty can be a hypertrophic scar, although this can be unsightly, it is not a problem because the scar can easily be corrected at a later date with a small scar revision operation. Fortunately, major risks such as damage to facial nerves or complete loss of the shape of the ear are extremely rare.
The risks and side effects of otoplasty are low because it is a simple operation. Minor problems which do not affect the outcome occur occasionally. An infection in the cartilage can result in a difficult problem. If this develops, the cartilage can dissolve away in some cases, leaving a relapse in the shape of the ear. Antibiotics at the time of surgery and meticulous surgical technique can minimize the risk of an infected cartilage. If it does occur, treatment after the infection has settled may be required to correct the problem.
What is the outcome of the procedure?
The first encounter with his/her new ear will usually be at the time the dressings are removed. It is quite a memorable experience as the patient has become accustomed to seeing the protruding ears and no longer considers them to be part of his/her own image. The immediate postoperative ear will look a little distorted and some patients may be alarmed. The distortion is due to the change in the position of the ear in relation to the sides of the head, not due to the effect of the surgery on the ear itself. As with all surgical swelling and minor bruising, this will resolve over the subsequent 3-6 weeks. The overall symmetry will be very acceptable even at this early stage. The changes will be long-lasting and in most cases, the surgery can be referred to as a permanent restructuring of the ear. Otoplasty will increase the overall facial symmetry and bring balance and proportion to the ears and face. This will enhance the patient's confidence, particularly from an emotional perspective. Although it is often children who undergo this surgery, it can have a profound impact on adults. The adult who has lived life with protruding ears may be accustomed to styling their hair in a particular manner or avoiding events where he/she may be asked to expose their ears. Evidently, the emotional and psychological implications of this procedure can be a significant driving force.
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