Gynecomastia : Cosmetic Surgery
for 2 200 € All Inclusive
We offer you gynecomastia procedure to restore a natural looking masculine appearance to your chest!
Gynecomastia is a cosmetic surgical procedure, which removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. This development can occur on one side or both.
What are the indications for gynecomastia?
During the preliminary consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s general health and determine the causes of adipomastia along with what solution to adopt. Breast echography exploration will set the protocol to follow for Gynecomastia.

This problem is classically seen in overweight patients, but can also occur in lean patients or those who have lost a significant amount of weight. Enlargement caused by fat is the most common type of breast enlargement and is important to differentiate it from true gynecomastia as the treatment can be quite different. Fatty enlargement will cause a soft and often ill-defined increase in breast/chest size. It is often centered around the lower half of the chests and extends to the armpits. These patients are excellent candidates for liposuction and often removal of fat alone will cause a significant improvement. However these patients must be warned that targeting fat alone can often leave loose skin and an unsatisfactory cosmetic result.
Some men suffer from excessive mammary development, which result in droopy breasts. This phenomenon is generally due to hormonal imbalances, whereby the secretion rate of oestrogen (causing mammary development) is higher than that of androgen (limiting mammary development). Gynecomastia corrects excessive mammary development through a liposuction of excess fat and removal of cutaneous excess in the chest area.
What are the different types of gynecomastia?
Mammary development can be the result of a medical treatment blocking androgens. Indeed, certain antibiotics, hormonal treatments, or neuroleptics cause gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia can be related to the age of the patient. In this case, we talk about physiological gynecomastia.
Teenage gynecomastia: It is the development of male breasts in adolescent boys going through puberty. It can appear staring from the age of 13 or 14 years old. Gynecomastia in teenagers usually goes away by the late teen years. The excess breast tissue growth seen during puberty is a result of hormonal changes in the body affecting both androgens and oestrogens. Within a period of 6 months to 2 years, teenage gynecomastia should go away without any intervention. If it carries over into adulthood, it is considered as a true gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia for adults: breast enlargement can appear starting from fifty years old. The more men age, the lesser the secretion of androgens is, thus causing breast enlargement.
Lower chest gyno is the bane of a guy's bodybuilding lifestyle as it is the complete contrast of pecs. A bodybuilding gynecomastia comparison would show a massive difference between a developed chest and gyno-affected chest. Puffy nipples and gland are not what a bodybuilder is aiming for, but it is the harsh reality of some anabolic steroid users. This is often referred to as MIXT gynecomastia as it is a combination of both glandular and adipose tissue within the chest. The hard gland can be felt directly under the areola, and the softer sponge-like tissue is fat. In severe cases of MIXT gynecomastia, surgical treatment involving a combination of liposuction and subcutaneous mastectomy is recommended. Due to the nature of PP and PS gyno, direct surgical treatment without correcting the hormonal imbalance is more often than not ineffective as estrogenic stimulation can result in further development of the gynecomastia post-surgery.

What occurs during the procedure?
In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used. This requires the insertion of a cannula through several small incisions to extract fat. In the case of a liposuction, the procedure will last from 20 to 30 minutes. However, if the procedure requires removal of the mammary gland, it will take an hour. Gynecomastia treatment typically involves several steps. Initially, excess fat is removed through liposuction, followed by reduction of the mammary gland if deemed necessary. The procedure may also include tightening the skin around the chest area for a more toned appearance. Finally, the incision site is covered with a bandage to aid in the healing process.
What occurs after the procedure?
The procedure involves minimum pain in case of a liposuction. If the patient has their mammary gland removed, the procedure will be slightly painful. However, the surgeon will prescribe antalgics to alleviate the pain. After the procedure, the chest is temporarily swollen and bruised. The patient may also experience numbness or a burning sensation. The patient will be given a compression garment to wear for several weeks after the surgery. The patient has to take 10 days off of work to recover. Physical activities can only be resumed after four weeks at least.
If the patient has only done liposuction, then the results of the procedure are not painful. In the case of a removal of the mammary gland, the pain will be felt more, but they can be relieved with analgesics and will eventually fade after few days. Patient will notice the presence of bruising and oedema that will eventually fade and disappear completely. To limit swelling and avoid bruises, the patient must wear a bolero contention for three weeks. The patient must be out of sickness for about 10 days, but if his professional activity requires more effort then he must remain at rest longer ; however, he will have to wait three or four weeks before he can resume the sport in a progressive manner.
What are the results?
The patient will be able to enjoy satisfactory results several weeks after the procedure. In order to maintain a naturally masculine appearance of their chest, the patient has to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The mammary gland regains its normal appearance after the elimination of fat.However, in order to preserve this result, patient has to pay attention to his diet and his lifestyle.
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