Breast Reduction PRICE
for 2 900 € All Inclusive
Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a plastic surgical procedure aiming at removing excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with the body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts!
Breast reduction surgery treats excessively large breasts, also known as macromastia. The latter can be the result of excessive weight-loss, pregnancy or can appear after menopause. Macromastia results in the droopiness and slanginess of breast skin, which gives breasts an unappealing aesthetic. Breast reduction surgery can be performed starting from the age of adolescence. The outcome of breast reduction surgery is smaller and firmer breasts.
What are the indications for breast reduction?
Breast reduction a cosmetic surgery procedure that treats breast enlargement; this phenomenon can be found at the teens in some patients. The excessive development of the mammary gland may also occur following a weight gain from pregnancy or after menopause. The skin of the breast becomes progressively falling due to breast’s weight. The patient could benefit from the procedure as a teenager too with the approval of the surgeon and the parents. Thanks to the intervention of breast reduction, not only breast size will be adjusted, but will also be firmer with the lifting effect of the operation.

Before going under the knife, the patient will be informed of the several techniques of breast reduction, the incisions that can be performed and the resulting scars. The surgeon will also decide with the patient the desired breast size and will make sure that the desired outcome is in proportion with their body. A medical check-up and a blood test are required prior to surgery.
Breast reduction is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts for about two hours. The technique used to reduce the size of breasts can vary depending on the patient’s medical case and desired outcome. The procedure might include surgery through incisions or liposuction to remove excess fat in the breasts. If the patient suffers from cutaneous slackening, the surgeon may consider lifting the breasts. Incisions may also vary depending on the technique used. However, the commonly expected procedure goes as such: the surgeon starts by making an incision around the areola and down each breast. Then, s/he will remove excess breast tissue, fat and skin to reduce the size of each breast.
Finally, the surgeon reshapes the breasts and repositions the nipple and areola. The surgeon concludes the procedure by placing stitches on the operated areas. A bandage will be placed after the procedure. It will be removed after one day and replaced by a support bra, which will be worn for one month. The patient will be hospitalized for one or two nights.
Breast reduction surgery is not a particularly painful procedure. The surgeon will however prescribe the appropriate pain medication as the patient might experience discomfort in the days following surgery. Bruising and swelling are expected, but both will fade away rapidly. The patient has to wear a support bra for one month. The patient has to take a recovery period of 15 to 20 days. Physical activity can only be resumed after 8 or 12 weeks upon the surgeon’s approval.
Possible complications may include anesthesia risks, hematoma, where blood accumulates under the skin, causing swelling and bruising. In rare cases, hematoma occurs many hours after surgery. Wounds can become infected and this may be accompanied by a discharge, swelling, and tenderness of the surrounding skin. In severe cases, infection can cause the nipple to become discolored . If this occurs, further surgery may be necessary to remove the infected skin and tissue. Although every effort is made to remove the breast tissue evenly, it is possible that too much or too little is removed. If too much tissue is removed, one or both sides of the chest may be left with a concave appearance.Conversely, if too little tissue is removed, the breasts may remain larger than desired. In both cases, further surgery may be necessary. In the case of male breast reduction, scarring is usually minimal and fades over time, however, in some cases, abnormal scars may form. These may be raised, red, and painful and although they can be treated effectively, they may take a long time to improve. A rare but possible complication in breast reduction is a change in nipple sensation. This can become heightened, or more commonly, reduced, and in some cases, the nipples may become permanently numb. In very rare cases, new pain syndromes can develop in the breasts. These are varied conditions which are typified by chronic pain and can be very difficult to resolve. In the long term, there is no evidence to suggest that breast reduction surgery in men increases the risk of breast cancer.
Like all surgical procedures, there is always an element of risk. It is important that in order to make an informed decision about whether the procedure is right for you, you need to be aware of the potential problems that may arise. The risk of complications increases if you have the surgery done by a poorly trained or inexperienced surgeon. It is best to have the surgery done in a reputable hospital by a qualified plastic surgeon. Pledge to have surgery only after discussing these risks and complications carefully with your surgeon.
What are the results of breast reduction surgery?
Results are immediately visible; however, the patient must not forget that it can take months for the swelling to completely go down and the surgical scars to fade. Results are generally permanent, but the patient has to watch out for their eating pattern as breast shape and size can change due to factors such weight gain or loss. Patient should avoid sun exposure for few months. The patient will have to wait 6 months to admire the final shape of her new breasts.The scars will take on their final appearance after about 12 months. Thanks to this procedure, the patient will benefit from a feeling of lightness and will be more at ease in his daily movements. It will be easier for her to wear clothes that fit her size, and the pain in the neck or shoulders caused by the drooping chest will fade.
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