Weight loss surgery in Tunisia
Obesity surgery in Tunisia is an operation very much in demand by Tunisians and foreigners, who have chosen Medhannibal to perform this operation. This establishment has a state-of-the-art equipment and a medical team (surgeons, anesthetists, nurses ...) qualified, and which, bariatric surgery is their specialty.
Bariatric surgery
According to the World Health Organization, obesity is the second leading cause of death in the world after smoking. In addition to the unsightly appearance of fat bulges, massive obesity can lead to several pathologies that can put the health of overweight people at stake. We speak of obesity if the Body Mass Index is greater than or equal to 30 kg/m².Among the diseases that can result from morbid obesity are: hypercholesterolemia, cerebral vascular accidents, osteoarthritis, diabetes, syndrome X, myocardial infarction, cirrhosis, high blood pressure, osteoarticular infections, etc.
To prevent the onset of these chronic and more or less serious diseases, or to minimize their consequences, 3 techniques of obesity surgery are performed at the partner clinic in Tunisia :
Gastric Sleeve: This is an obesity surgery to remove two thirds of the stomach and leave the remaining third with the help of stapling. For a BMI greater than 35 kg/m², it makes you lose about 60% of the excess weight.
Bypass: or gastric bypass, it consists in changing the food circuit by closing two thirds of the gastric volume and leaving only one third functional. Weight loss can reach 80% over time (after 5 years).